You regularly gas up your vehicle and take it in for its regular oil change every 3,000 miles. It’s functioning well—so you may be wondering why your auto mechanic is suggesting tire alignment.
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What’s the Big Deal about Auto Tune-Ups?
Just like doctors recommend a yearly well-check to keep you in good health, your auto mechanic suggests an annual car tune-up. This little visit may not seem important, but it really is key to your car’s preventative care. An annual tune-up from Joe’s Service Department of Indianapolis can help your vehicle stay in good shape […]
Three Tips for Spring Car Care
I’m not sure what it is about springtime, but as the weather gets warmer, people get motivated to get stuff done. If car care is on your spring to-do list, here are a few tips from our auto mechanics at Joe’s Service Department.
5 Signs of a Quality Auto Mechanic
Finding a really good auto mechanic can be an anxiety-producing process—especially if you’re not a “car person.” You want to be treated fairly, to get good service at a reasonable rate. So how do you know if you can trust your vehicle with a car mechanic? Joe’s Service Department of Indianapolis encourages you to check […]
3 Benefits to Tire Rotation
Maintaining your vehicle can go a long way to keeping it out of auto repair shops and out on the road where it belongs. One important component of keeping your car in good running condition is tire rotation. Joe’s Service Department of Indianapolis wants to give you three reasons why you should have an auto […]